Member Profile - Nicole Schmiedt, OD

August 15, 2024
August Member Spotlight

Where do you currently practice?
McDonald Eye Care Associates in Lakeville, MN

Where are you from originally?
South Sioux City, Nebraska

What school did you graduate from (undergraduate and optometry)?
I graduated from Concordia College in Moorhead, MN with a BA in Biology and a minor in Chemistry. I then went on to graduate as the Salutatorian of the Bicentennial Class of 2020 at Indiana University School of Optometry.

What are your hobbies?
I enjoy growing, cooking, and eating vegetarian food from various cuisines. What I can't grow, I forage from the many wonderful farmers markets and co-ops in the city. I also sing Soprano in the Cathedral Choir at the Cathedral of Saint Paul and spend my remaining time learning how to care for and maintain our century home in Saint Paul.

Tell us about your family and pets?
I live with my fiancé Jason and care for many houseplants as well as my garden in the summertime. We have four wonderful nieces that keep us entertained and busy with activities.

Why do you choose to be a member of the Minnesota Optometric Association?
I choose to be involved in the Minnesota Optometric Association to help preserve the wonderful profession I am honored to be a part of. Each day I practice, I am reminded that how I practice is all thanks to the previous generation of doctors that fought for our scope. Being a member is the best way to feel connected to the larger optometric community, to advocate for our patients, and to advance the profession. I am so excited to see how the profession evolves over the course of my career, and being part of the MOA will allow me to be on the forefront of that evolution.

What do you like best about the profession of optometry?
My favorite aspect of optometry is the breadth of specialties we interact with and offer for our patients. We truly are an interdisciplinary team and hold a vital role in the healthcare system. I love sharing those insights and connections with patients and their providers. Both patients and their care teams are often surprised at the intersection of optometry with their overall health, and I love seeing that connection develop.

Describe your favorite memory from your optometric career.
One memorable moment in my optometric career was getting to work with one of the legends in our profession, Dr Ron Melton, during my fourth year of school. I still reference so many encounters I had during that experience and feel lucky to have had such an inspirational mentor.

What fun fact would you like to share about yourselves that your colleagues may not know about you?
Alongside primary care optometry, I also practice Low Vision Rehabilitation. When you encounter your patients that have lost vision, please find a low vision colleague to refer them to!

MOA Annual Partners

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