Member Profile - Anna Percival, OD

September 15, 2024
September Member Spotlight

Where do you currently practice?
White Bear Eye Clinic

Where are you from originally?
Stillwater, MN

What school did you graduate from (undergraduate and optometry)?
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee with a BS in Chemistry & Biology and a minor in Math; Illinois College of Optometry - class of 2021

What are your hobbies?
Running, hiking, pickleball, reading, and home improvement projects

Tell us about your family and pets?
I recently bought my first house in White Bear Lake, and I live with my 3 year-old rescue dog named Malarkey. She is a mix of Australian Cattle Dog/German Shorthair Pointer/Border Collie. I am blessed to have my retired parents living nearby in Stillwater, as I get to see them often, and they watch Malarkey while I work. My younger brother lives in Texas, so my parents and I will take a few trips every year to visit him.

Why do you choose to be a member of the Minnesota Optometric Association?
I chose to be a member of the MOA because of the continuous efforts the MOA puts into advancing our profession. As a legislated profession, it is crucial to have an association that supports and advocates on our behalf, and that is precisely what the MOA does.

What do you like best about the profession of optometry?
I love the variety in cases and patients we see every day, and the profound impact we have on patient's lives. I am blessed to see patients of all ages and to manage a variety of ocular disease.

Describe your favorite memory from your optometric career.
I found bilateral papilledema in a new, 27 year-old patient and sent her straight to the ER. The patient's mother came to the clinic the next day and dropped off flowers and cookies, and thanked me for saving her daughter's life, as she ended up having a blood clot in her brain (per the patient's mother). These moments make you realize what we do as optometrists is so important and goes beyond just an eye exam!

What fun fact would you like to share about yourselves that your colleagues may not know about you?
In high school and college, I was on the diving team and specialized in the 10-meter platform.

MOA Annual Partners

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